Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Outing: Getting away with my sister...

*The closer they got to the ski lodge, the more excited she became. It had been a quite a few years since she had skied but when Tess had suggested the outing she was all in. She was aware that although there were not any Breed around in sight, that they were there. Never would Tegan and Dante had agreed so readily. Some poor underling was probably stuck in a room, in full uv gear, prepared to watch their every move.* Come on, Tess, I'm ready

  • Tess Culver Malebranche *Jumping excitedly out of the Land Rover she opened the hatch. Passing a set of skies and poles to her friend she grabbed her gear. Both heading toward the lodge.* WOW, this is as beautiful as I remembered. . I can't believe that our mates were so agreeable and let us come up for the weekend. I wonder who was put on guard duty?

  • Elise Chase I think the question is how many. *Laughing, she followed Tess inside.* Let's get our gear on and head out. I want to take advantage of as much sun as possible

  • Tess Culver Malebranche *Taking a seat on the rustic bench in the foyer she slips into her boots. Securing the communicator to the lapel of her jacket she speaks into the microphone.* Torin are you there? *Immediately a deep male voice answers that he hears her loud and clear and was geared up and waiting for them at the lift. She could tell by his tone that this was not an assignment he wanted.. Grabbing her skiing equipment she heads to the back door.* OK girl friend, Torin is waiting for us. Lets go and make some tracks in the snow.

  • Elise Chase *She walked beside Tess, letting her gift reach out. The worst thought she sensed was financial issues. Bringing her guards into place, she smiled at Torin as they slid into the chair. *

  • Tess Culver Malebranche *They started to ascend with a slight jerking motion, and soon they were above the tree tops. The slopes were deserted except for the necessary personal. Looking behind her she saw Torin securely strapped in his seat. Placing her hand over Elise's hand she felt her tension.* Relax sweetie. Don't let his thoughts upset you.

  • Elise Chase I am, I plan on enjoying every minute of this little trip. How about a challenge? Although not sure what the prize could be... *Jumping off the chair, she lowered her glasses into place and waited, like a good breedmate for Torin. Next time, he would not be so lucky.*

  • Tess Culver Malebranche *Hopping off her seat she lowered her goggles over her eyes. Looking back as the big breed awkwardly stands on his skies, she turns back to Elise.* Lets see if Torin can keep up with us.* In one swift graceful movement she sped toward the bottom of the hill* MEET YOU at the bottom, Torin.!

  • Elise Chase *The annoyed look on the Breed's face was too much. They were on their 5th trip up the mountain and she knew he thought they would have been tired by now. He should have known better but they could give him a change of scenery. Leaning close to Tess, she whispered.* Look if we cut to the left after that second grove of trees, we can intercept the bunny slope and head back to the lodge for some hot cocoa and lose our escort so he can actually feel useful by finding us again. You up for it?

  • Tess Culver Malebranche *Nodding her head* I'm game! *Taking off again the powder snow flying as they zigged and zagged down the hill. Looking over her shoulder, Elise swiftly passed by her and their guard was no where in sight.*

  • Elise Chase *Taking the lead, they swerved around a group of skiers putting them between themselves and their guard as they got closer to the grove. She hoped the group would cover their tracks and give them a few minutes freedom. Nodding at Tess, they waited until the last moment to turn and weaved their way through the trees, laughing when they were not followed. They easily skied in between the younger inexperienced crowd and made their way to the lounge.*

  • Tess Culver Malebranche *Snapping out of her skies once the reached the lodge. They kicked the snow off their boots before entering the foyer.* I believe we lost Torin. He was out of sight before we passed that first crop of pine.

  • Elise Chase *Laughing, she slipped out of her gear and stowed it away, rubbing her hands together to bring warmth back to the ends.* Something hot right now, sounds really good! *They walked into the lodge and ran straight into a brick wall.*

  • Tess Culver Malebranche *Looking up into the huge Breeds eyes, they were bathed by the amber glow of anger. Grasping Elise's hand tightly she spoke softly* Busted!

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