Sunday, November 18, 2012

{Twinkie Brigade}

Gideon Breed   November 18, 2012   *Watching the surveillance monitors, I see Tavia, and Gabrielle head into their own quarters* I decide to move all of the Hostess snacks to their new hiding place. *checking the cameras where the storage locker full of additional cupcakes is hidden, making sure they are undisturbed. My mind has already started setting up a plan to pay my brother's mates back... *running my hand through my Twinkie soaked hair, trying to scrape the cream out, I give up, deciding instead to try and evoke some sympathy from my mate, If I'm lucky a hot steamy bath with the exquisite Savannah will ease my tension and take care of the sticky mess at the same time   — with Tavia Chase and 2 others.

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Gabrielle M. Thorne *Watching Lucan as I creep out of our quarters and thinking to myself* -I know Gideon Breed will trump our stealth tactics during Twinkiegate last night, but I am not sure how far he will go with his Goldmember maneuvers, I better play it safe for a couple days just to feel this situation out-

Gideon Breed *leaving the bathroom, long after the water has cooled* Savannah pats across the room on bare feet, slipping her naked form between the sheets. *As I watch her supple body crossing the room, my eye catches a figure on the laptop monitor* I see Gabrielle standing in the hallway outside her room, she thinks she is able to sneak around undetected, but nothing happens in the compound that the Wizard doesn’t see.

Gabrielle M. Thorne *stepping ever so lightly as I venture down the hall I can't help but feel Gideon Breed's eyes all around me! I look too the ceiling and cringe and think to myself ≈Darn camera's! A girl can't be invisible even if she tried!≈ gliding back into our quarters Lucan has a smile on his face when I enter and I smirk at him as I quietly inform him that he hasn't seen anything all this is just a figment of his imagination! Sneaking over too my phone I text Tav...Hay! is it clear out*

Tavia Chase *looking down at my phone, texting Gabby back* Quiet here, twins are napping. Wanna come here and bring the twinkies?

Gabrielle M. Thorne *jumping at the feeling of my phone vibrating I chuckle at the idea that this is all so much fun, I text my partner in crime back* Sure I think I will have Lucan watch Dare for a bit so mommy can have some mommy time...I hit send and go for my Nikes, knowing my girl Savvy is enticing Gideon Breed at this moment I don't need to take any chances and these kicks are just what I need to continue stealth mode if need be*

Tavia Chase *Yawning and stretching on the couch as my phone goes off. Seeing the msg from Gabby and laughing* My partner in crime is hilarious I cannot wait to hang out with her. *peeking in on the twins still napping*

Gabrielle M. Thorne *getting all Pussy Galore with this I glide down the hallway towards Tav's room. Knocking lightly so I don't wake the twins I call to Tav* Hay Tavia Chase I brought Twinkies and "Night of the Demons" let's get our scare on!

Tavia Chase *Laughing at Gabby and opening the door* Come on in Sis, you are a trip. I know that Gideon Breed has moved the twinkies and cupcakes now that we did what we did to him. *laughing* I know if we had done that to one of the other Brother's that would of chased us down and shoved twinkies in our mouth.

Gabrielle M. Thorne *Sliding on the other side of Tav's door dropping the Twinkies and movie I grab both sides of the door jam and lay my head back on the door as I speak the truth* I was waiting for something or someone to jump out at me all the way here! I think we need to add some margaritas to this fun fest just too calm down HA! Then again if Gideon Breed jumps out somewhere I think I'll loose it!

Tavia Chase *laughs* I got Hunter and Kade earlier. I dropped the Twins into their arms and ran to the bathroom. Gideon is a smart man he will get us some time. Good thing I am a computer wiz and have a photographic memory. I know passwords and lock codes. *winks* Let's chill here and eat these and then we will come up with our next plan. I made some popcorn with extra butter. *sitting on the sofa*

Gabrielle M. Thorne *Falling to my knees and crawling to the couch,* Tav you are really going to get ours handed to us, but as long as we make it worth it I'm in.....*My phone vibrates and sends me off the couch, looking at my phone my eyes widen with the sight of my mates name on my phone* Tav......I think we are in trouble now.....

Tavia Chase *grins widely* Want me to answer it? Tell him you're not available. *laughs* Just give him a little something something, he will get over it.

Gideon Breed My breedmate sated and sleeping, I watch that sneaky twosome down the hall on my lap top. Enjoying their horror film, laughing, thinking they have won a small victory. I can almost forgive the twinkie to the hair... but they stole some of my Savannah's private stock. Oh, it's on

Gabrielle M. Thorne *Getting off the phone with a not so pleased Lucan I look to Tav and tell her that we are in deep and that Lucan has requested that we control ourselves lol *Grinning* I place the last bite of my twinkie between readied lips and slather the cream filling all over my tongue* I think he might be right...

Tavia Chase *frowning* Why is it the men never let us women have fun? All we wanted to do was play a few jokes. *sighs* Let's watch our movie and we will try to be quiet little house wives. *laughs and pops a bite of popcorn in her mouth, jumping as the Demon comes out on the movie* Oh crap she just stuck the lipstick...ewww*covering my eyes*

Gabrielle M. Thorne *Reminding Tav that even though we are having fun, our mates can feel what we do.... at that point I get the goose bumps when I hear a loud bang that did not come from the movie* Did you hear that Tav! I think Gideon Breed is up to something I will check it out....

Gideon Breed *Glancing over at Savannah*, She lies curled on her side in a peaceful sleep, her shoulders rising and falling with a relaxed rhythm. *I slip out of our door, gliding silently down the hallway until I reach Tavia's quarters, standing outside listening to the conversation* I make a mental note to switch all the codes and passwords, just in case Ms. photographic memory has any knowledge she shouldn't. *grinning as I remember all this top secret spy nonsense is all over the breed mates favorite snacks. I hear the music crescendo on their movie so I know something scary is about to happen, I thump my boot against the wall hoping to scare them, or drawl their attention*

Gabrielle M. Thorne *creeping out the door all is quiet, I can see no one lurking. This makes me more tense. As I walk down the hallway I can hear a faint shuffle of someone's feet and I call out* Gideon Breed I know you are out there I can hear you! Show yourself lurker! *hoping I just did not invite an on slot of pelting twinkies I continue my walk*

Gideon Breed *I see Gabrielle in the hallway; I speed past her into the open door, startling Tavia, making her jump. I eye the stash of goodies on the table, scoop them up, and head back out the door arms full* I pass a stunned Gabby on the way back to my room, leaving her yelling my name into the empty hallway, with my echoing laugh in her ears*

Tavia Chase *Jumping when I see a blond blur grabbing the precious stolen goods. I take off running after Gideon* Watch the twins Gabby. *Almost catching Gideon before he darts into his quarters. Sending him a text* Well played my dear Watson. *walking back to the room laughing*

Tavia Chase *Smiling as I see Chase coming up the hall. Walking up and kissing him softly* I picked you up something while I was out. *eying the four big bags, I start to laugh. Looking at me puzzled* Why are you laughing? * come to the room and Gabby and I will explain.
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