Dia: *Strolling through the halls of the Dome. I'm pleased that all the retail space was rented. There were a variety of shops that would draw in the international community and fancy every taste among the Humans and Breed. This was a huge financial gamble I had taken but the bigger gamble was having Meison as my business partner. I did not trust him but he was so embedded in my shit that I had no choice but to accept the situation. If he had not intervened construction would be so tied up in red tape that I would be waiting into the next millennium for this place to be opened. But his assistance I'm sure will come with a price. I had tried to use my charm on Aine Declain but she was as tight lipped as her father. Sighs, oh well I'll break her one day I just need to coax her gently and soon she will be eating out of my hands and will be singing like a little birdie, telling me all about daddy. Already she had taken up my offer and was putting the final touches of her new shop. Rounding the corner I come upon her store. I suddenly stop. The construction crew were putting up the sign. As I read it a growl came out of my throat. Entering the store I look around for the female and find her bent over unpacking a box of book.* Evening Aine.
Aine: *I couldn't believe that it was finally happening. Stacking more books on the shelf, I think to all the times my mother and I had talked about this. Looking at all the items she had saved over the years. I had spent endless hours trying to make sure the shop held everything she had wanted. The antiques had all been placed on tables or in cases. The bookshelves that lined every wall were almost finished being filled with books that I had ordered. Bending over a box, selecting which ones to put together. Hearing my name in that all to familiar deep voice, I turn and give him a smile, taking him in as his scent surrounds me* Good evening Dia. What brings you here?
Dia: *Taking the book from her hand I open the cover. It was a first edition of book by James Fenimore Cooper, Last of the Mohicans, in perfect condition. Snapping the book shut I hand it back to Aine.* I'm making my last rounds before grand opening. I wanted to make sure that all the tenants have every things they needed.
Aine: *grinning at the surprised look on his face as he looks at the book before handing it back. Walking to the shelf, I place it beside a few other first editions* I'm sure I do. I have just two more boxes of books to unpack and some chairs and cushions to place back in the reading nook. Then all that's left is to place my mother's picture and toast to the opening. *turning back to him, I bite my lip* Do you think you could help me hang it? The man put the hook a little higher then I wanted it and I don't balance well in these heels.
Dia: *Her voiced sound almost like running water as she talk. Taking the framed picture from her I note that it is of Meison and a woman that I would assume was Aine's mother. * Is this your mother?
Dia: *Gently holding her steady as she straighten the picture I help her down from the ladder.* You favor her. I'm sure you miss her a lot.
Aine: *leaning back against his chest, looking up at the picture* Thank you. *turning to face him, a tear sliding down my cheek* Very much. She was my best friend.
Dia: *Clearing my throat, I quickly move to the opposite side of the sales counter.* Must be nice to have loving parents.
Aine: *wiping my eyes, walking over and grabbing a few cushions and taking them to the nook area and placing them on the floor* I was very lucky growing up. Daddy and I try to make the best of what we have now.
Dia: *Leaning against the counter with my arms folded across my chest* Humm. Speaking of Daddy. He was suppose to meet with me last night and he never showed up and never returned my call. Do you know what may have detained him?
Aine: You have to be joking, Meison Declain NEVER misses a meeting. *my heart drops at the look on Dia's face. Hurrying back to the counter, I squat down and fumble through my purse for my phone* I haven't talked to daddy in a few days. I thought we were just missing each other. *pulling up my messages, not finding any from him, I shoot him a quick one :txt: Haven't seen you. Please let me know you're ok. Love you :snd: Setting the phone on the counter, looking up at Dia* I'm sure he'll check in soon.
Dia: *Walking around the shop as she tries to contact her father I take in the assorted book and nick nacks, Picking up a small covered jar I turn it upside down. There was no inked stamp to give a clue of its origin* I'm sure he'll show up. *Holding up the item* Do you really think someone will believe this is an antiques. I think I could find it at the local dollar store.
Aine: *rolling my eyes, taking the jar from his hands and putting it back* It is every bit an antique whether you believe it or not. I'm not asking you to shop here. Now, if there isn't anything else you need, I have to finish unpacking boxes.
Dia: *With hands in my pocket I walk towards the door* Actually there is something, the name of your sign. Interesting name. Wanna tell me why you would choose that name?
Aine: *wrinkling my nose at his question, thanking god my back is to him, my mind reeling for some way to answer* When my mother died I sat staring at the moon crying all night. *the lie slipping flawlessly off my tongue, hoping he buys it*
Dia: *Sensing her loss and perhaps some truth in what she said. I nod.* I'm sorry for your loss Aine. I'm sure you honor your mother with this shop. I am sure it will be a successful business. If you need anything please let me know and if your hear from your father tell him I do NOT like being stood up. *Turning I return to my office*
Aine: *watching him leave, I slump down into a chair, my hand absently dropping to rub over my ankle. Knowing I need to talk to my father about this and soon. Turning back to the half unpacked box of books, I finish putting them on the shelves*
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