Sunday, March 15, 2015

You Get Me?

*Standing anxiously outside of Champ's door, I try my best to not look suspicious as I nonchalantly hide a 7 pound package under my shirt. Rapping my fist on the door for a second time, I take a nervous look around and finally shout through the wood* Yo, Kid… open up, I got something I need your help 

  • Aric Chase *He swings the door open wide* Sup man? Come on in. *He notices the bulge under the shirt Kade was wearing but he had learned not to ask. He turned, arching a brow* So, what are we up to this time?

  • Kade Maguire *Letting a huge grin cross my face, I kick the door closed behind me and drop the 7 pound package of multicolored glitter on Champ's bed* THIS *holding out my hands so he could behold the epicness of the situation* Three words, Kid. Julian. Car. Glitter *cocking my head sideways* You get me?

  • Aric Chase *a slow grin crosses his face* Oh hell yeah! *He rubs his hands together* He should be pretty well fast asleep, let's roll.

  • Kade Maguire *Chuckling at the deviousness, I drop the package into Champ's hands and lead the way to the Compound garage. Once we hit the main floor, we weave our way through the numerous Order vehicles till we finally find ourselves standing beside the one belonging to Julian* Well, kid, here goes nothin *grins*

  • Aric Chase *standing beside him with a grin, he laughs* It's a damn good thing he is on patrol tonight. I can't wait to see this shit! *He hefty the bag and heads for the drivers seat. * I'll start on my side, be ready to catch it.

  • Kade Maguire *Nodding as I open the passenger door and remove the vent covers in preparation for the glitter* This is gonna be EPIC. He's gonna turn on the car and it's gonna rain like a fucking Skittles factory up in here *Snorting, I could see it now, Julian waving his arms wildly as glitter covered every little thing in sight* Yeah, epic as hell *grins*

  • Aric Chase *He grins as he cuts the edge of the bag open and begins to pour the glitter directly into the vent. Spilling a little he faced Kade and blew the pile at him.*oops, sorry man.*Coughing to cover his chuckle, he dumps his half of the bag in the vents before handing it over to Kade.*

  • Kade Maguire *Blinking and swatting at the rainbow assault, I furiously pat at the sleeves of my shirt to remove the shiny flecks of metal* Damn it, Champ, this shit NEVER comes off. I look like I got fucked by the glitter fairy now *Taking the bag with my half of the contents, I pour a generous amount in each air vent and grin as I close them back up, wiping away the excess* There we go, that should do the trick *winking over at Champ* you ready to see some fireworks kid?

  • Aric Chase *putting the vents in place, he laughs as he joins Kade behind the car. We need to make sure Gid has that video feed on record all night. I can't wait to see this. Oh hell, hang on. *He tapes a piece of paper to the back of the SUV "welcome Julian". with a laugh, he stuffed the empty bag in the bottom of the trash bin.* Job well done. *with a fist bump and a laugh, they head back inside. *

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