Saturday, November 16, 2013

{Lessons} Meison starts to Teach Satora

Meison Declain  *I had been sitting in my office for hours, speaking to various officials and trying to get The Dome to bypass more regulations. Dia handled the physical aspects of the business, and I dealt with the technical behind the scenes issues. With the phone pressed against my ear, I rose to stretch my feet, wandering to the verandah that overlooked The Dome. Narrowing my eyes as I noticed Satora going through several sword motions*

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Satora Razza ~I stepped forward into the center of the hidden outside glade, clearing my mind as I held the sword up and began my warmup routine. I was used to the weight of the weapon but I still had not mastered control of it or precision. Sighing, I swung at the tree in front of me frustrated when the blow was lower than where I was aiming. I would get this, if I had to practice every free hour.~

Meison Declain *Pressing my face closer against the one way glass, I studied her movements, making note of her techniques. She was a fast learner, her steps and hand movements reasonably steady. Yet, there was a disjoint - Less fluidity that came with consciously thinking over every motion* No, that would never do *I murmured distractedly into the phone. The agitated voice on the other end let me know I had voiced my thoughts aloud* No, that was a musing of mine. Continue...

Satora Razza ~I took another step back and used my Breed speed to instantly appear in front of the tree and stab it then muttered.~ There's more than one way to kill something. ~Breathing in deep, I scanned the area certain I was still alone and took my formal stance again as I eyed the tree with disdain.~

Meison Declain *Wrapping up my phone call, I cleared my desk, securing my files in the privacy of my safe. There was no need to tempt Dia with my sources. For all I knew, the distraction below could have been a ploy. Shaking my head at the paranoia that came with working with a volatile Breed, I made my way outside for some chat time with the lovely and lethal Satora*

Satora Razza ~Going through the motions again, I worked my muscles until the sword felt like an extension of my arm. Now, the commands needed to come automatically and precisely. Growling as I missed another mark, I mentally went through my moves critically reviewing what I was missing.~

Meison Declain *Arriving at the clearing, I grabbed one of the extra swords and palmed the blade. I nodded in greeting to Satora, ignoring the irritated expression on her face. Testing the balance of the sword, I smiled as old memories flooded back to me. Times much different than these - Dangerous times, but with special moments nonetheless*

Satora Razza ~I turned to my unexpected company and wondered why I had not heard his arrival. I tensed at how involved in my training I had been, then nodded at him briskly~ Do you know how to use that weapon, Mr. Declain?

Meison Declain Yes, I'm somewhat familiar with them. I noticed you were having some trouble. May I be of assistance?

Satora Razza ~I gave him a sardonic smile.~ How would you have noticed that? Have you been watching me? ~Deciding not to start a confrontation~ Nevermind, I will take you up on that offer. What do you suggest?

Meison Declain *I smiled wide, but subdued it at her frown* We'll be working together for the foreseeable future. I suggest you turn that frown upside down and learn to deal with me. *I gripped her wrists delicately, upturning the blade in her hands* You're missing passion. You're thinking with your head, but ignoring you heart. Let the blade be an extension of you *Giving myself a wide berth from her, I demonstrated my words, moving in sync with the blade - an extension of my arms* Do you see where I'm going or am I boring you?

Satora Razza ~I lowered my sword to the ground, ignoring his advice about me and concentrating on his actions. His movements were graceful and hypnotizing to watch. He had what I wanted, needed. I continued to follow him as he moved around the clearing, murmuring a single word without thought.~ Beautiful. ~Seeing the lift of his brow, I knew he had heard my whisper and it only added to what already intrigued me about this male.~
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