Sunday, August 18, 2013

{Atlanteans} Gideon and Savannah enjoy a Night Out

Gideon Breed  August 18, 2013  *Walking the street hand in hand with Savannah. The people here seem a bit more relaxed than in the States, perhaps their long belief in old children's stories and wives tales about vampires and the haunted mountains makes them a little harder to surprise with the scientific fact of our actual existence. Whatever the case, our stroll through the city streets is taken in stride by the locals. We are surrounded by beauty, when they say it's the old country, it really rings true, the architecture and cobble stone streets are unbelievable to my mate who has never been so far from home*
 — with Savannah Dupree.

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Savannah Dupree *talking in our beautiful surroundings I hold on tight to my mates hand loving the fact that we are taking in the sites so soon after arriving. As we walk I notice a little coffee shop, feeling like a I need a little snack we move to the door going inside I look at all the delicious things the have to choose from. After Gideon pays we find a seat while I enjoy some of the local cuisine*

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