Monday, May 12, 2014

{Ashes to Mathias} Checking In

*After returning from the Dome he bids Dare and Eli good night and heads to Lucan's office. Knocking on the oak door he enters the office to find the leader sitting behind his large desk* Do ye have a moment, sir?

  • Lucan Thorne *He recognized the sound of the big Celt's footsteps before he heard the knock. He closed his laptop and gave Malcolm his full attention*
  • Malcolm MacBain *Taking a seat in the Italian leather seat his lips tighten as he organized his thoughts. * I'm sorry to report that we came up empty handed at the Dome tonight. If Aine knows of Mathias where about she is saying nothing. And his apartment is as neat as a pin. It is as though he just vanished in thin air.
    May 10 at 9:35pm · Edited · Like · 10
  • Lucan Thorne *His back teeth tighten as Mal delivers the news, taking a calming breath before answering* That's disappointing. I was hoping something would develop and lead us in the right direction. But our genius always has a plan B in the works. Gideon is currently monitoring The Dome, he hacked into their security system and has about a twenty four hour window before their tech squad discovers the new virus he developed, it covers the electronic phone system and inner office communications, perhaps the young lady will get nervous and teach out for assistance or reassurance.
  • Malcolm MacBain *Rubbing his jaw in thought* You know Lucan security seems a wee bit tighter. This store that Gideon sent us to is protected by UV bars. And the lass was nervous as a tick and she sports a crescent moon and tear drop mark on the inside of her ankle. I'm wondering if she is a wanna Breedmate. I did not smell a scent when I was close but damn as we left, the room filled with a flora odor.
  • Lucan Thorne *Folding his hands on the desktop he takes in the new and interesting details regarding the young store owner* That's peculiar. Nice catch on the marking and pseudo scent. I think Miss Declain bares further scrutiny.
  • Malcolm MacBain *Nodding his head in agreement he stands to leave* Aye sir it does. So what now? I do not think Mat is in the Dome. Rivera would not take a chance of sullying his business establishment. Perhaps we should look outside the city. Maybe he has an old hang out.
    May 10 at 10:33pm · Edited · Like · 7
  • Lucan Thorne To be honest, I suspected as much, I'm hoping this shakedown will rattle some intel loose where she is concerned, all We require is a crumb to go on. Hopefully this will provide one
  • Malcolm MacBain All we can do is hope, sir. Now if you will excuse me I have a wee bit of shopping to do. Tomorrow is mothers day.

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